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What is TeraBox?
TeraBox is a multifunctional online storage application developed by a group of programmers in Vietnam. With Terabox, you can store and share all types of files including audio files, images, videos, office documents and even compressed files.
The arrival of TeraBox is a breakthrough in the field of online storage. TeraBox features include online access from anywhere, sharing, data backup, synchronization and more. With Terabox put to use, you no longer have to worry about the loss of data stored in files due to computer or hard drive failure.
Great storage capacity
One of TeraBox’s most outstanding features is its ability to store all its files online. With a massive storage capacity of up to 1024GB, you can store anything from images and videos to text documents and reports. This helps you maximize in putting all documents into a single source, you will not have to waste time searching or remembering where you have stored documents.
It can be said that Terabox has aimed at a breakthrough method in online storage. Different from traditional services, Terabox is not only a file storage, but also a file management tool that allows you to easily find, access, share and synchronize files easily.
Easy backup and sync
With accessibility from any device, TeraBox users can synchronize their data between devices and store their files securely and easily. Not only that, TeraBox also has an online file sharing feature, making it easy to share files with other users safely and quickly. Files stored on Terabox can be shared via email, text message or direct link. Users who receive the shared file will be able to view and download the file immediately.
In addition, TeraBox can also sync with other applications such as Microsoft Office, Google Docs and Dropbox, making it easy for you to sync and store your files with other popular applications. You can store their files directly from these applications into TeraBox, and vice versa.
File access permissions
File permissions are an important feature of TeraBox. With this feature, you can manage access to your files and folders based on each group of visitors, thereby helping you control access to your documents.
When using TeraBox’s access permissions feature, you can define various access rights, including permissions to view, edit, download, and share files. This means you can keep some files completely secure and only allow other authorized users to access them.
Unbreakable security
Terabox also offers strong security to keep your personal data safe. Files stored on Terabox are encrypted to prevent theft or exposure. Terabox also has a restricted access level file sharing feature, which helps you to share files only with specified users and keep files confidential.
Search files quickly
TeraBox provides a powerful search feature that makes it easy to search for files and folders stored on your system. This search feature saves you time and effort in finding the right files and folders for your needs.
When using TeraBox’s search feature, you can search for files and folders based on a variety of criteria such as filename, file format, content inside files… Feature This works very quickly and allows users of TeraBox to search for files and folders in seconds.
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TeraBox is a multifunctional online storage application developed by a group of programmers in Vietnam. With Terabox, you can store and share all types of files including audio files, images, videos, office documents and even compressed files.
The arrival of TeraBox is a breakthrough in the field of online storage. TeraBox features include online access from anywhere, sharing, data backup, synchronization and more. With Terabox put to use, you no longer have to worry about the loss of data stored in files due to computer or hard drive failure.
Great storage capacity
One of TeraBox’s most outstanding features is its ability to store all its files online. With a massive storage capacity of up to 1024GB, you can store anything from images and videos to text documents and reports. This helps you maximize in putting all documents into a single source, you will not have to waste time searching or remembering where you have stored documents.
It can be said that Terabox has aimed at a breakthrough method in online storage. Different from traditional services, Terabox is not only a file storage, but also a file management tool that allows you to easily find, access, share and synchronize files easily.
Easy backup and sync
With accessibility from any device, TeraBox users can synchronize their data between devices and store their files securely and easily. Not only that, TeraBox also has an online file sharing feature, making it easy to share files with other users safely and quickly. Files stored on Terabox can be shared via email, text message or direct link. Users who receive the shared file will be able to view and download the file immediately.
In addition, TeraBox can also sync with other applications such as Microsoft Office, Google Docs and Dropbox, making it easy for you to sync and store your files with other popular applications. You can store their files directly from these applications into TeraBox, and vice versa.
File access permissions
File permissions are an important feature of TeraBox. With this feature, you can manage access to your files and folders based on each group of visitors, thereby helping you control access to your documents.
When using TeraBox’s access permissions feature, you can define various access rights, including permissions to view, edit, download, and share files. This means you can keep some files completely secure and only allow other authorized users to access them.
Unbreakable security
Terabox also offers strong security to keep your personal data safe. Files stored on Terabox are encrypted to prevent theft or exposure. Terabox also has a restricted access level file sharing feature, which helps you to share files only with specified users and keep files confidential.
Search files quickly
TeraBox provides a powerful search feature that makes it easy to search for files and folders stored on your system. This search feature saves you time and effort in finding the right files and folders for your needs.
When using TeraBox’s search feature, you can search for files and folders based on a variety of criteria such as filename, file format, content inside files… Feature This works very quickly and allows users of TeraBox to search for files and folders in seconds.
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